Womanity Whitepaper


The purpose of Womanity is to connect to the unconscious feminine world, a gateway to a realm full of delicacy, insight, tenderness, and meticulousness. When people connect to the feminine world, they experience the capacity to become beloved, see subtleties, advance in work and relationships. We believe that by valuing femininity and learning to find it within our inner world, we can experience well-being in many aspects of our lives.

The Feminine World: Key to Spirituality

If a man connects to and values his inner woman, he can be a trustworthy and safe person, free from excessive power displays and warrior tendencies, experiencing well-being in both business and relationships. If a woman values her femininity, she does not expose herself to harm or excessive dependency on any unhealthy man, and she can achieve significant progress. Womanity aims to connect to the psychological feminine world, a world that includes complexity, delicacy, tenderness, and multiplicity. In this world, multiple selves exist, and by connecting to these selves, we can experience significant personal growth.

Adventure in the Unconscious World through Femininity

Femininity, which has been lost to jealousy, manipulation, and devaluation, needs to be restored to its rightful place. We aim to cultivate feminine power within ourselves, a power that is not physical strength but a connection to the unconscious world, insight, foresight, and tenderness.

Womanity intends to promote art, delicacy, movement, and dynamism by connecting to the unconscious world. Its application includes delicate and subtle movements, games, and art-related activities. Every home and workplace needs to connect to the world of Womanity to be effective, useful, and valuable.

Valuing the Sister in the Home of Lovers

Modern humanity has obsessively pursued technology while ignoring myths, subtleties, art, and the unconscious world, resulting in a conquered, powerless existence filled with psychological illnesses. Our goal is to connect to unconscious myths and value this real world. Valuing unconscious myths in the psychological world is the key to connecting with our soul and psyche, which needs to be perpetually dynamic. Our programs teach perpetual dynamism.

If you want to connect to the post-modern world of Crypto, you need to connect to your unconscious self. Femininity is the key to connecting with your unconscious. The Crypto world requires delicacy, insight, precision, awareness, and dynamism. Womanity provides the dynamic framework for it.

Womanity: Illuminating the Path by Connecting You to Your Unconscious

A path that will light up in chaos. Our plan is to grow together transparently and dynamically. You will be informed and participate in the details of our programs. We will be like a crystal reflecting awareness and excitement.

From Glass to Crystal: Embodying All Arts and Delicacies

With us, you will experience becoming valuable. Being a crystal instead of glass. We all break; what matters is whether we break valuably or worthlessly!

We all have a ceiling for our progress, usually formed in the child-mother relationship. Femininity, unlike motherhood, is a world without a ceiling, without borders. A world where progress, art, and blossoming continue indefinitely. If you want to separate from your mother, break local connections, and connect to the global world of femininity, Womanity will be by your side.

We are faithful to our commitments because a global lover and a global woman are inherently faithful. Thus, in the path of Womanity, you will experience fidelity to promises.

The Womanity Team: Global Unconscious

Our team consists of Jungian psychoanalysts and their students. Also, our team includes all those who consciously or unconsciously value femininity and have reached an understanding of vulnerability and authentic emotions in ethical values.

Womanity teaches you the capacity for globalization, having your personal world outside local and familial structures, and thinking globally. We progress based on the collective unconscious, feeling the presence in any world through this collective unconscious. You will connect to the collective unconscious with our team.

An awakened Anima does not devalue femininity. It keeps the guardian of value beside it, experiencing a birth of awareness every day. It does not hide from expressing femininity and dances with the inner man in a whirlwind of awareness.

We value all those who join us on this journey to the unconscious world, knowing they will traverse the path of becoming valuable alongside us.

Breathe Deeply: A Call to Mindfulness

Take ten deep breaths! Focus on the feelings in your stomach and chest and read this text again. Your authentic feeling confirms the value of Womanity. When you hold Womanity, you will feel closer to your body and emotions, walking more delicately, authentically, and mindfully.

We value every single breath and step of yours. We will teach you to distinguish authentic feelings from false ones. Your connection to authentic feelings and the daily hints you receive from us will help you live more successfully and authentically.

Post-Postmodern Timeline

Our work’s timeline is post-postmodern, meaning structuring, organizing, and bringing meaning to the chaotic postmodern space and freeing from worthless structures. In the post-postmodern era, there is a “common observing ego,” so we live in shared human experiences. You will simultaneously experience unity and multiplicity.

Womanity’s Definition of Healthy Femininity

Healthy femininity does not mean living in beautiful dreams, ideal love, and boundless beauty. Healthy femininity means violence against devaluation. It teaches you how to access your anger. Healthy femininity is not like the endless scent of a flower but like the taste of coffee – bitter, powerful, and captivating.

Technical Details

The Womanity token is issued on the Solana network, adhering to the latest security standards. Solana is chosen for its high speed and low transaction costs, enabling efficient and secure transactions for the Womanity token. Solana’s support for complex smart contracts and decentralized applications provides a suitable environment for the development and expansion of projects related to Womanity.


  • First Pre-Sale Price: $0.001
  • Price Increase Rate: Doubling in each stage
  • Launch Price: $0.04
  • Initial Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 ITY
  • Burned Tokens: 8,000,000,000 ITY
  • Current Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 ITY


  • Pre-Sale: 20%
    • 20% of total tokens are allocated for pre-sale, starting at $0.001 and doubling at each stage until the final listing price of $0.04.
  • Team: 20%
    • 20% of total tokens are allocated to the Womanity team for incentivizing and retaining the development team and project managers, usually with a vesting period.
  • Marketing: 12%
    • 12% of total tokens are allocated for marketing activities to attract new users, conduct advertising campaigns, collaborate with influencers, and other marketing efforts.
  • DEX Liquidity: 44%
    • 44% of total tokens are allocated for providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges, allowing users to buy and sell ITY tokens easily with minimal fees.
  • CEX Listing: 4%
    • 4% of total tokens are allocated for listing on centralized exchanges to provide broader access to ITY tokens and increase liquidity and recognition in the cryptocurrency market.

Token Burn

  • We Burn and Femininity Spreads :
    • On 05-25-2024, 8,000,000,000 ITY tokens were permanently burned.
    • Symbolically, we burned this number of tokens. Instead of being stagnant, we become dynamic.
    • This reduction in supply was implemented to increase the token’s value and demonstrate our commitment to the project’s long-term success.
    • The current total supply after the burn is now 2,000,000,000 ITY.

Our Support

  • Continuous Communication: Users can always connect with the Womanity team through various communication channels like the website, app, and social media.
  • Ongoing Support: The Womanity support team is always ready to answer users’ questions and problems.
  • Rewards and Incentives: Active and participating users in the project will enjoy special rewards and incentives.


Womanity, as a comprehensive and innovative platform in the crypto world, aims to connect to the unconscious feminine world and bring new values to users, charting its growth and progress path. With advanced technology support and a committed team, Womanity seeks to transform users’ lives and strengthen human and psychological connections.

We look forward to a bright and prosperous future for Womanity and invite you to join this exciting journey, experiencing new dimensions of spirituality, art, and technology.

🚀 Womanity Presale: Buy Now at $0.001! Early Bird Bonuses Available.

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